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  1. [Plant] Lysimachia nummularia
    by (Peter Konshak) (20 Nov 1994)
  2. Creeping Charlie info
    by Watford28/ (Thu, 29 Apr 1999)

[Plant] Lysimachia nummularia

by (Peter Konshak)
Date: 20 Nov 1994
Newsgroup: rec.aquaria

I obtained a specimen of Lysmiachia numularia ("Loosestrife") about two 
months ago, and have had little growth with this species.  This plant is 
a stem type plant, simmilar to a Hygrophilia sp.  The leaves are egg 
shaped.  The only common reference I could find it in was Windelov's 
Tropica Catalogue of Aquarium Plants (p. 109).  The only common reference 
I didn't check was Rataj, which I don't own right now (it's on order).

My tank has a pH of around 6.8, with about 80 watts of light/15 hrs day.  I 
have had poor growth out of this plant, which has grown about 1" in about 
two months.  It has lost some of its lower leaves.  Windelov states that 
this plant likes water from pH about 6.8-7.0, which is ok, and hardenss 
of 6-20 DH, which is also ok.  However, he states that temperature should 
be 50-68, which is definitely on the low end for me.  My tank is 
unheated, but ranges from 75-78F or so.  Has anyone else attempted to 
raise this plant, and have you had any success?  Does anyone know where 
this plant exists in nature?  Thanks,



Peter Konshak

Creeping Charlie info

by Watford28/
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999

In APD#995, Patricia Kantor asked about 'Creeping Charlie.'  Here is some 
information I hope helps:

LYSIMACHIA (Lysimach'ia)

DESCRIPTION: These hardy and tender perennials and annuals are found 
throughout the temperate and subtropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere.  
A few grow wild in Australia, South Africa and South America.  Few of the 
Loosestrifes have value in the garden.  L. clethroides (Gooseneck 
Loosestrifes) is a vigorous growing perennial from Japan that forms clumps of 
lance-shaped, mid-green leaves that are yellowish when young.  The tiny, 
star-shaped, white flowers are borne in compact, slender spikes that are 
nodding when in bud, but straighten up when in full bloom.  This plant grows 
up to 3 feet high with a spread of 2 or 3 feet.  L. punctata (Garden 
Loosestrifes) is an erect-growing perennial, up to 3 feet high, from 
southeastern and central Europe to Turkey.  The lance-to elliptic-shaped, 
mid-green leaves grow in whorls of 3 or 4.  The small, bright yellow flowers 
are borne in the axis of the leaves at the ends of vertical stems, over long 
periods in the summer.  L. Nummularia (Creeping Charlie, Creeping Jennie and 
Moneywort) is a trailing plant with large, yellow flowers borne on short 
stems from the axis of the round leaves.  Its variety aurea has 
greenish-yellow leaves.  These plants are great for planting on the edges of 
the water garden.  L. pseudo-Henryi is also a creeping plant and is from 
Asia.  It has fleshy leaves and large, golden yellow flowers with darker 
centers.  It is suitable for the rock garden. 

POTTING: Plant Loosestrifes in moist, fertile soil that has adequate 
drainage.  They should be planted in a partially shaded location.  L. 
punctata may be invasive because it spreads by rhizomes.  If necessary, 
control spread by digging out excessive growth from the edges of the clumps.  
Creeping Jennie, L. Nummularia, can be grown in one-gallon containers and 
placed in 1 to 6 inches of water, in a partially shaded location. 

PROPAGATION: Seeds may be sown or they may be divided in the spring or fall.  
Stem cuttings may be taken in the spring or early summer and inserted in sand 
in a cold frame. 

VARIETIES: L. barystachys; L. clethroides; L. Ephemerum; L. Nummularia & var. 
grandiflora; L. pseudo-Henryi; L. vulgaris; L. punctata. 

James Watford
Columbia, SC

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