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Apistogramma regani


  1. Apistogramma regani
    by Robert Park <park00/> (Mon, 25 Aug 1997)
  2. your mail
    by <kathy/> (Fri, 27 Nov 1998)
  3. Sexing regani
    by Mike & Diane Wise <apistowise/> (Wed, 27 Jan 1999)
  4. regani
    by Mike & Diane Wise <apistowise/> (Mon, 07 Feb 2000)
  5. Apisto Piauensis
    by Mike & Diane Wise <apistowise/> (Thu, 30 Mar 2000)

A. cf. regani, juvenile

A. cf. regani, juvenile

Photo by Erik Olson

Apistogramma regani

by Robert Park <park00/>
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 1997
To: apisto/

Anchor Bay Aquarium Inc(Doubt they have any now) has a few of them, I
may get some soon also Maybe within this month or next month.


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your mail

by <kathy/>
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998
To: apisto/


I have some that are spawning now.  There is a picture of the male when he
was a little smaller on the krib go to the apisto section
and it is there under A regani.  There are lots of stores that sell fish
as A regani and they are not, so depending on your source it may or may
not be.  The female turns yellow when spawning and the lateral line
becomes checked.  We will have to try and get some pictures of her.  They
have black ventral fins and lack the colororation of the males as well.
It was hard to sex them until they were the age shown in the pictures.


On Fri, 27 Nov 1998, Susanne and Cory Williamson wrote:

> Does anyone have pictures of adult A. regani or know of any that could be
> accessed on-line. I have four juveniles that I picked up locally and I
> haven't been able to find out what they will look like.
> Also- Does anybody know how to sex these guys?- I have read that it can be
> very difficult.
> Cory Williamson
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Sexing regani

by Mike & Diane Wise <apistowise/>
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999
To: apisto/

Susanne and Cory Williamson wrote:

> Do regani males (with pointed anal fin tips) also get a bright yellow throat
> and belly- (herein lies my id problem).

Yes, they do, and to throw a monkey wrench into things so does the very similar
looking A. sp. Gelbwangen/Yellow-cheek. Maybe you have two different species,
unless they're domestically bred & from the same clutch. I wish everyone was
color blind when it comes to IDing apistos. Usually, only the pattern of dark
markings are of any importance in species ID. Color come in only when determining
different populations (color variants).

> I read in the one of the Apisto books that some of the regani ecotypes have
> rounded anal fins. I have one pale colored regani with a very rounded anal fin.
> The other three fish have
> pointed anal fins like the picture on my website- however, the point does
> not extend out as in the photo of the young regani on http:/
> The points on my fish are blocky do not extend towards the tail past
> vertical.

I couldn't check your drawings (I use Netscape & it wouldn't come up for me), but
I checked all my books, both English & German, and couldn't find this. I probably
just over looked it. Maybe what I should have said was, given a group of fish,
all of the same species & size (age), those with more pointed tips on the soft
dorsal and anal fins are most likely males. Given time, your males will develop
more extended dorsal & anal fin tips. The photos in Linke & Staeck show the
differences in the sexes quite well. These photos are of young, but mature, fish.

> Mike, Below you said the males have 'more' pointed anal fins- do the females
> also have pointed

Yes, when they get very large (old), otherwise the are blunt, not necessarily

Hope this makes a bit more sense.

Mike Wise

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by Mike & Diane Wise <apistowise/>
Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2000
To: Kathy Olson <kathy/>


Splurge away! You deserve it. David's "A. regani" isn't the true regani (see
Koslowski book for true regani). The caudal spot is all wrong. It looks more
like A. sp. São Gabriel (roundtail)/Alto Negro to me (see attached).

I do plan on going to Cleveland this year (only a 2 day drive!). I
understand that it has a heavy hotel booking already so it should be fairly
large. I think a talk by Julio would be wonderful; say a collecting
expedition to Peru. I know that Kurt will be talking about Westies for the
ASG. I think I would rather wait for Ingo's book to come out before doing an
apisto ID talk. He has added and changed the groups/complexes so much that
it wouldn't be a good idea spout the old view when the new one will be
published within a year. Having read rough drafts of this part of the book
frustrates me because I can't discuss it openly before Ingo does.

all my best wishes,


Kathy Olson wrote:

> Mike,
> Okay, I am splurging too much tonight.
> These are not regani on Davids page, at least not the true type species,
> what do you think?
> Thanks
> Kathy

Apisto Piauensis

by Mike & Diane Wise <apistowise/>
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000
To: apisto/

This is a fish I ID for Cory. It is the same fish as shown in Linke & Staeck's
book as A. regani. So many fish are coming from São Gabriel right now that it may
be better to call it A. cf. regani São Gabriel or A. sp. Alto Negro.

Mike Wise

Cory and Susanne Williamson wrote:

> I can't say I can offer much help- but the A. sp, Sao Gabriel the I am
> keeping, have a "regani" body shape. The tail is rounded and the male has a
> extended tip on his dorsal and anal fins (although I gather that this
> feature is not diagnostic). Doesn't sound like the fish you have described
> match at all- I hope I have helped.
> Cory Williamson
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Frauley/Elson <>
> To: <>
> Sent: March 28, 2000 6:05 PM
> Subject: Re: Apisto Piauensis
> > Cory and Susanne Williamson wrote:
> > >
> > > Sort of an aside to the breeding territory comments- my A. Sao Gabriel
> pair
> > > which are housed in a 90 gallon planted "community" tank typically take
> over
> > > about a third of the tank when they have fry - I am always amazed by
> their
> > > ability to protect their fry against predators
> >
> > Hi,
> > I have some questions for you.
> > To begin, I have a few tanks given over to fish from a wonderful Sao
> > Gabriel shipment, Apistogramma sp cf breitbinden Sao gabriel, sp cf
> > uapesi (lyretail) and a mendezi-like fish. Can I ask which you have? The
> > breitbinden male has a spikey dorsal and a huge patch on his caudal
> > peduncle, with a lyretail, while the 'lyretail' is thinner bodied with a
> > big dorsal and streamers on the male's large lyre. The mendezi type has
> > a biteniata shape and spotting throughout the caudal.
> > Then, since I love these fish, what is your water like? Mine keep coming
> > very close to breeding, but stopping short.
> > Gary
> >
> >

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