Cichlids, General |
American Cichlid Association |
The Cichlid Room Companion |
Eric Gracyalny's
Home Page is the oldest cichlid-specific site on the web. |
Cichlids, Dwarf West African and New World |
| This is now a Krib "feature", so they are kept
in the separate Apisto section. |
Cichlids, Rift Lake |
Misc. Tanganyikans |
Julidichromis species |
Lamprologus lelupi |
Shell Dwellers |
Cyphotilapia frontosa |
| Pseudotropheus zebra |
| Lake Victorian cichlids |
Cichlids, Big Neotropical |
| Angelfish and Altum Angels |
Uaru |
Discus |
Discus study group |
Discus-L Web site |
| Geophagus (the eartheaters) |
| Convicts |
| Oscar |
| Severum |
Catfish |
Pl*cos: postings,
Zebra Pl*co Info,
and the Pl*co "FAQ" |
Corydorus catfish |
| Otocinclus |
Carps and Barbs |
Check out Neil Frank and Liisa Sarakontu's ``mother-of-all articles'' on
algae-eating carps (siamensis, flying fox, etc),
and other info
pertaining to the Siamese Algae Eater. |
Goldfish |
Characins |
Tetras, General |
| Neon Tetra |
| Lemon Tetra |
| Rummy-nose Tetra |
Livebearers |
American Livebearer
Association |
Viviparous the livebearer information service |
| Molly |
| Guppy |
| Ameca splendens, the Butterfly
Gooedid; can be used as an algae eater. |
| P. endlers (another obscure one) |
Killifish |
| Killifish: postings |
International Killifish Association |
American Killifish Association |
| Killifish: Jordanella floridae (American-Flag Fish) |
Everything else |
| Glassfish |
Gourami |
| Bettas |
| Brackish Fish |
| Danios |
Rainbowfish |
| Archerfish |
| Black Ghost |
| Freshwater Stingrays |
| Spotted Puffer |
| Native Fish (mostly USA). |
![[LINK]](/link.gif) |
North American Native Fishes Association (NANFA) |
| Fish that Jump |
Non-Fish Animal-types (Pests Included) |
| Snails |
| Freshwater Shrimp: Assorted Postings |
| Freshwater Shrimp: Joe Anderson's Article (a nice illustrated
summary of several different species). |
![[LINK]](/link.gif) |
The Caridina Japonica Site |
| Freshwater Clams |
| Hydra |
| Dragonfly Nymphs |
| Aphids and Mites |
| Slime Mold |